Fanart - MLP. Broken Changelingjamescorck on DeviantArt

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Fanart - MLP. Broken Changeling



Request for :iconvigwatch: drawn as part of my Request Stream for Charity.

Vig requested a picture of a Female Bat Pony Guard (all capitalized) comforting a little injured Changeling, in a dungeon. This one, I have very small recollection of drawing it. I know I did the sketch, and I have the video of it, but I was so tired, so sleep deprived and so deranged that I barely remember a thing. Thankfully future James managed to follow the sketch lines left by past James, and the result is what you see right now.

Coloring and inking took longer than I had planned for, but hey, the guy donated a big chunk of money. I needed to give this my best shot.

Art by James Corck
Image size
794x1000px 941.68 KB
© 2013 - 2025 jamescorck
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