Comission - MLP. Gamer Mac Boyjamescorck on DeviantArt

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Comission - MLP. Gamer Mac Boy



Christmas Present for Jay Van Esbroek and Comissioned by :iconssjcharon:

So Jay came up with an idea for Big Macintosh. He originally was going to review videogames with his other OC, Beep Boop, but he wouldn't be able to make the voice for her as he also wanted to make tumblr dubs, and lets plays. However, he makes a pretty spot on impersonation of Big Mac, so he decided to make Big Macintosh a gamer, thus Gamer Mac was born.

And in this little present for him I showed the reason why he got into games. He injured his leg and is now killing time gaming. He just got a Game Boy and is now playing Tetris.

Art by James Corck.
Gamer Mac concept by Jay Van Esbroek, inspired by the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Image size
800x646px 340.48 KB
© 2012 - 2025 jamescorck
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KittyCupcakeO3O's avatar
is that twilights doll? XD mac... why do you have it?