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Ask Movie Slate - Bad Santa



Ask Movie Slate - Episode 205 - Bad Santa.

Now, how do I explain this one?

From the get go I knew I wanted to draw a ponified version of Bad Santa's main character, Willie Soke, with his jagged Santa beard, the suit, the scruffy facial hair, and
drunk off his ass with a bottle of booze. I wasn't very sure about what I wanted him to be doing, though. My first plan was to draw Movie Slate and Bad Santa Pone both dressed as Santa trying to figure out who's changing their outfit to something different. But then Billy Bob Thorton went on TV and said that he watches My Little Pony and that one of his favorite character is Fluttershy, because she reminds him of Marylin Monroe. I couldn't resist the idea of Willie getting a hold of Fluttershy at some point or another, so I came up with this. Although I think Bad Santa Pone is going to regret making any further advancements, because Fluttershy is likely going to beat him to a pulp. It's weird to give such a scruffy drawing this warm color palette. I guess that was me trying to recreate the atmosphere of the movie, which is very Christmas but it's also very underground and filthy.

"Bad Santa" is one of those movies I've heard about for years but never really got around to watch. It wasn't until Doug Walker did his video on his Overlooked Christmas Specials that I saw a glimpse of what the movie was like, and that was enough to catch my interest. So I went out, got my hands on a copy of the movie, and gave it a watch. I can safely say this is one of the most atypical Christmas movies I've seen, and not just because we follow the story of a drunk self-destructive thief at the end of his rope. It's a movie that takes the mercantilism aspect of Christmas, and sets it on fire alongside with the political correctness and fake scenery that accompany the sell-out aspect of the holiday season. It's a movie that swims in cynicism but it does so without drowning in it and to point out just how cynical Christmas can become. The character of Willie Soke is perhaps one of the most genuine anti-heroes of our time. He's aware at all times of how shitty his life is, what a failure and disappointment he is. He's a drunk, he smokes like a chimney, he has no joy, no friends, and right when he's hitting rock bottom this little kid crashes into his life and changes it completely. This change doesn't make him any softer, but it does aim his anger and destructive tendencies in the right direction. The scene where he punches the ever loving shit out of the bullies is perhaps the most glorious moment of the entire movie. It was the turning point where Bad Santa went from alright Christmas movie to actually pretty excellent Christmas movie.

So the story and the tone are pretty good, and they could carry the movie on their own no problem, but it's clear that Billy Bob Thorton carries the movie like a champ. He was nominated for a Golden Globe and I'm not surprised because he's fantastic in this. So if you're in the mood for something Christmas and you feel like you need to blow off some steam most definitely watch this one. It's satisfying and funny in equal amounts.

I hope you guys enjoy the picture!

You can check Movie Slate's post on Tumblr right here.

You can also check the Making of Post right here.

Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate and every single one I receive.

Thank you!

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