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MemPop9: Get What You Came For

I opened the door and Lenora opened her eyes from her gathering seat. She didn’t say anything and I gave her a thumbs up. “Crisis averted and completed.” She closed her eyes and put her hands in her lap, continuing her gathering of magic. Kezehiah was in a cot now, still looking unwell, but at least he was more comfortable. I looked around but didn’t see another bed. “Where am I supposed to sleep?” “That is not my concern.” “You gave Kezehiah a cot.” “I asked for a bed to be brought and he climbed into it himself. If his presence bothers you, rectify it.” She said, her eyes closed the whole time. I wasn’t going to kick Kez out of his bed… I walked over to the main bed and sat on the edge of it, taking of my shoes. I took off my socks as well and shed my outer robe. I walked over to the other side of the bed and turned down the sheets. Lenora opened an eye and then both when she saw me about to snuggle in the bed. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Getting in bed.” “That’s my


2002 deviations

MemPop9: Get What You Came For

I opened the door and Lenora opened her eyes from her gathering seat. She didn’t say anything and I gave her a thumbs up. “Crisis averted and completed.” She closed her eyes and put her hands in her lap, continuing her gathering of magic. Kezehiah was in a cot now, still looking unwell, but at least he was more comfortable. I looked around but didn’t see another bed. “Where am I supposed to sleep?” “That is not my concern.” “You gave Kezehiah a cot.” “I asked for a bed to be brought and he climbed into it himself. If his presence bothers you, rectify it.” She said, her eyes closed the whole time. I wasn’t going to kick Kez out of his bed… I walked over to the main bed and sat on the edge of it, taking of my shoes. I took off my socks as well and shed my outer robe. I walked over to the other side of the bed and turned down the sheets. Lenora opened an eye and then both when she saw me about to snuggle in the bed. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Getting in bed.” “That’s my


79 deviations

Even The Broken Are Beautiful: 1

A/N: this story is a collaborative effort with my sister. the style of writing may be different from my normal and that's because i have never written a straight up romance before. they have a certain way of being written and so although the chapter was written by me, she basically translated it into romantical suave lingo. i think you'll all enjoy it though! +++++++ Min-Soo Cheong looked from the paper in his hands to the numbers on the doors as he got off of the elevator. It was the start of his life at University and he was both excited and nervous. This was his first time, in nineteen years, experiencing life away from his parents and their suffocating expectations. He felt as if he had been liberated. Min-Soo silently hoped that now that things were different, maybe he could make a new life for himself, and if he’s lucky, a couple friends along the way. As he tried to match the number on his paperwork to the door to his new room, he heard someone grumbling up ahead and looked

Even the Broken Are Beautiful

3 deviations

Tell Me What the Rain Knows: 1

A young man looked in the window of a shop and stares at the clothing displayed. It was a beautiful robe with intricate edging and expertly sewn patterns. It was fit for a king or a prince, royalty of the highest callibur. It used to be something that young man would even pick out for himself. The door to the shop opened up and what looked like the owner of the facility walked out with a frown. “Are you just going to stand there and gawk or are you going to come inside?” The young man looked over and the owner suddenly gasped, bowing. “My lord…” The young man quickly put his hand over the bottom half of his face and walked in the opposite direction. The owner of the shop followed him and grabbed his shoulder. “Pardon my impudence, my lord, but I must ask you-“ “Let go of me.” The young man said, pulling his shoulder from the shop owner. “You saw nothing here today.” “But… my lord, we’ve been looking for you for months…” “Don’t breathe a word to anyone.” He growled, turning around to

Tell Me What The Rain Knows

4 deviations

Memoirs of the Popular Monster: Prelude

“I’ve heard a lot of things about you.” My ears  twitch at the sound of a voice, not something I hear everyday nowadays.  “They say that you’re the best there ever was… Puh… look at you now…” Oh,  it’s someone annoying… I decide to ignore the taunting and try to get  back to my peaceful slumber. Not that I haven’t woken up before, but  with the predicament that I’m in, I don’t get a lot of… visitors. The  cuffs on my wrists and ankles and the one around my neck keeps me from  moving much and the only thing I can do is sleep the days away. I don’t  know how long I’ve been doing it… it seems like forever… “HEY!”  I hear again, the sound of the old door shaking against the metal  ringing in my ears. “I’m talking to you, Dog… or are you so dumb you  can’t even understand me anymore?” I chuff and  my ear twitches even more but I don’t open my eyes or move. Never been  one for pleasantries to those who are a pain in the ass. Suddenly, I  hear the sound of a mechanism moving and the wooden

Memoirs of the Popular Monster

14 deviations

Oscar and Mer: 23

Mer cried and cried until he had nothing left and eventually fell asleep from all the emotional baggage was lifted from him. Of course, he passed out on Oscar, who was still sitting in the bottom of the walk-in shower. It was very hard for him to get up off the floor with the dead weight of an exhausted merman on top of him. He shimmied up the wall and leaned over, shaking Mer awake. Mer looked up lazily as Oscar grabbed his arm and pulled him to hint at him getting up. Mer heavily helped Oscar pull him up but leaned onto his friend as Oscar walked them out. Once they were out of the shower, Oscar grabbed Mer up and carried him bridal style back into the bedroom. Mer snuggled against Oscar’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. These arms were the source of every good thing that has ever happened to Mer. They were the ones that helped him when he was hurt, they held him, they comforted him, they brought him home. Without these arms, Mer would have been lost a long time ago.

Oscar and Mer

31 deviations

10 Years Ago Today - 2

“Hey, I need to get off early to go see my brother.” The half-Asian woman, Venus Mei-Chi, who was Leon’s supervisor, looked over at him and made a face. “You look like *shit, Leon.” “Restless night.” “With your mind or the bottle? And how many?” “Both and two that I remember… may have been more.” “It’s a good thing you’re a damn good nurse or we’d be having an intervention every morning.” She said with a sardonic smile. Leon smiled. “I run better on whiskey and gin than Red Bull and B12 any day of the week.” Venus shook her head. “So, about me getting off?” “To see Aelan? Yeah, sure, hun. Anytime. What time are you going to be leaving?” “I don’t know, maybe around 2:00 or so? They close at 6:00.” “That’s perfectly fine. You should see him more often anyway.” “Too many memories… Anyway, thank you very much, Ms. Mei-Chi.” He said with a small bow. “Yeah, yeah, go to work.” She griped, waving him off. Leon grinned, brushing his hair back in order from the bowing. He went over to the

10 Years Ago Today

14 deviations
i, Sinine Cover

Finished Stories

194 deviations

Almost: 15 - Jenara

“Tell her to leave me alone!” Stewart yelled, squeezed in the corner of the doctor’s hut as she tried to get near him. Nyobe, the village doctor, sighed and looked at me like I was supposed to do something about this. I could only do so much for Stewart and since he was wide awake and self-aware, me approaching him wasn’t going to make a difference. “Stewart, if you don’t let her look at your leg, she can’t tell if it’s healing properly. She’s not going to do anything to you.” “I help.” She tried, holding up strips of cloth. “Leg bad.” “You stay away from me.” He growled, pointing at her. He looked over at me. “Jenara, get her out of here....


15 deviations

The Art of Blindness: 2

Being unable to read and write made all the other children think that I was prime pickings for being bullied, but they underestimated my former training. I won every fight that I was in and never backed down. Everyday was a fight and every day was bliss, knowing that I was carrying on the training that Garrett had taught me. I was good at what I did and no one ever told me it was wrong. Sometimes the headmaster would host a bet to see if I would win or not. As reputable as it was, this orphanage had some dark secrets within its four walls and one of them was fights. The headmaster actually hosted dog fighting or cock fighting outside of working at the orphanage but after seeing me get into a couple of brawls with some other boys, he decided to let my frustrations out in a child slave fighting ring he knew of. He’d pose as my master and go into the low parts of Abram and enter me in. I was always angry but always ready for a fight and so it allowed me the freedom to beat a couple of

The Art of Blindness +formerly Skicka+

3 deviations

Cal23: 43 - Water Ripples

Dinner was almost done and Tavit was concerned that Delaware hadn’t made it over yet.“The last we spoke to her, she said she was going to feed Vince, get a nap, and then come back over. Maybe she overslept.” July said to her husband. “No, Delaware doesn’t do that. The woman is up at the crack of dawn almost all the time. I remember when I was younger, I’d see her walk the halls of the house or she’d make us treats in the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes when we woke up, the house would already be smelling like breakfast, the cook not even woken up yet. So, her being late is odd.” “Do you want us to go check on her, Father?” Huntley aske...

Calumbra 23

43 deviations

Darker Shade of Black: 29 - Bargain Brand

It was warm. He hadn’t expected that. Then again, hadn’t expected to be alive at all. He may have had Jaakuna with him before he let himself all, but he left it with his father so that he could do what he wished. He had no need for it. He thought he was going to die, but the fact of the warmth he felt and the immense pain he was in told him a different story. “Wonderful, you’re awake.” Satuya didn’t feel like moving and decided to wait for the owner of the voice to reveal themselves. As he suspected, it was Shintoe. She reached out to touch him and Satuya immediately snarled, making her jump. It didn’t necessarily stop her from touching him, but it gave her a good jolt. “You’re a feisty one, I’ll tell you that.” “Why… am…” “Why are you still alive? Well, dear boy, because I want you to be. You are the key to everything. Your death would be the end to everything we’re tried to accomplish. Did you truly believe we didn’t know who your father was? Did you think he could hide his identity

Darker Shade of Black

30 deviations
My Dilemma

Demotivational Posters

64 deviations
Shadow Dofan: Raze Cyncus


76 deviations

Bleach Fanfic: Scales of Love - 4

I headed to Rangiku’s place when a merperson swam in front of me and I stopped quickly, almost colliding into them. “Hey, watch where you’re swimming!” I yelled. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” I realized it was that girl from before and crossed my arms. “Who are you?” “I’m Sui-Fon, part of the gang that has come to High Ningyo Society. And you are?” “Rukia Kuchiki.” “Oh! So you’re the mermaid that Renji is betrothed to?” she said with a fake smile. “Yeah, that would be me.” “How sweet! You’re so adorable and fair.” Sui-Fon began to swim around me slowly. “Yes, so delicate.” “I’m not delicate. Why do you merfolk keep saying that about me?” “Well, di...

Fandom Panda

181 deviations

Unseen: Dimensional Interlude

”So why did he lie?” “He kept the truth from you so you would never feel different. You are our son, Loki, and we your family.”- Thor I held Bentley tight as we hugged each other hard. It was so odd to be taller than her now, to be near her again… I had to make sure it was truly Bentley because she was just like Mom. Her warmth and love felt like I was gaining something that I had been missing for a long time, which only told me further that I was only a child. “I’ll miss you.” She said, pulling from me to look at me. “I’ll miss you too. I’m sorry we didn’t get to be with each other… again .” “It’s not your fault.” “I’m sorry I almost kil...

The Four Houses Saga

159 deviations

Steel Puppetry: I - Backend of the Marketplace

“Well…” Caisson said, as he took out the cigarette that was hanging from his mouth. “That should do it. Try now.” The young man gracefully hopped off the table and began to walk around. Caisson watched him carefully, his hazel eyes scrutinizing everything about him. After about the third time walking in a circle, Caisson motioned for him to come back. “It looks like the gait is fine. I don’t see any more hitches. Did you do a self-diagnostic on yourself to make sure you were in working order?” “Yes.” “And what did it come up with?” “That my gate is 4.3mm off.” “Does it still say that?” “Yes… your skills seem to be lacking, Father.” The young man said, although there was no facial expression to see if it was a joke or not. Caisson made a face as he stuck the cigarette back in his mouth. “Are you being funny?” “I was not equipped with a humor chip.” “Of course not, you’re just naturally witty.” “I highly doubt that, Father.” Caisson smiled. “Well, get back over here so I can close you

I Am Machine

33 deviations

Pumpkin Spice Latte: Forward

Iain gasped at the woman in front of him, her clothes torn to smithereens and her body covered in scars in all directions. She looked like a zombie or Frankenstein’s monster. She looked around for a moment and then looked at her hands, seeming to not understand what was happening. She looked at Iain and he ducked back behind the trashcan. “Are you the one who kissed me?” Iain thought for a moment and peeked back out. “I don’t remember kissing you, ma’am. I just… I was just so happy to find such a big pumpkin and…” She smiled kindly even though her scarred face made her look more menacing that she was and she knelt down to look at him. “My dear boy, you’ve saved me from continuing a lifetime of misery. I owe you my life and my thanks. Is there anything I can do to repay you for what you’ve done?” Iain watched her for a moment and then crossed his arms, trying to look brave. “Please marry my brother.”

Incomplete Stories

153 deviations
Indigo Blues Cover

Indigo Blues 3

28 deviations

Gateway of the Transit

Zaan vrejiya imarima dodven ek razgoku noiz veskote Noiz vrejiya ito mastvo ito khvakatek korole Krozo nanicht’ie yn nashtachi tsekoke ito mashishe Eienavsd desya shinaine gohag ek idtiku Soreet’ie zaan ek iznenenko vsemono Noiz tesorera darekto shinuren ito ekidya kuruosit Soreet’ie ek migipravo zaan vil’nogatte sonocht’ie sdow Krytymonai mastvo ito vrejiya kakshi odichine! TRANSLATION The time has come to talk of things Of time and space and captured kings Except what's in our hearts and souls Forever is not long to go It's time to change everything Of those who died and tragedy bring It's to right the wrongs that's done Open space and t...

Miscellaneous Writings

60 deviations

Strangely Odd Redux Sample: Brain Games

A/N: this is an extended version of Ch. 20 - Break Down. I wanted to extend the issue of the sokanaru (or in this throwback, the IS) and do a little more explanation. plus, there is a cameo here that those who are a fan will know immediately. Enjoy!PS: this also is a testament that i AM actually working on this. i'm sorry for the wait but i'm truly working on it and i want it to be 10x better than the original for you guys so please be patient because what you will get out of this will be beyond what you got here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Killian I feel like I’m in between galaxies, floating along in a spaceship. There are stars all aroun...

Misery Lane Series

165 deviations
Prego and the Phoenix Cover

The Normality of Inhumanity

37 deviations
 Heaven  By Era 7-da03z7r

The Oddities of Grand Marquis

97 deviations

The Book of Listenoise: I

"Tell me then, if all books are the same, then why can't I read that one?" "Because some books aren't meant for humans to read. Some are meant only to be reminded of the past." "Books are written to be read so that those in the future will understand those in the past. Let me see that book." "You will regret ever laying eyes on it. It brings nothing but pain and heartache." "So the book is magical?" "The book is cursed ."

Personal Books

25 deviations

Birth: Kvindek Kvin - 55

I stare at the picture as Matt waits patiently but fidgety. “How did they get your number?” “The hell I know. It’s the government… You can’t tell R about this.” “I won’t… Why… your dad…” Matt looks away angrily. “He wouldn’t tell them where we were. Dad was holding a lot of secrets from us… our mom too but… My mom is dead…” “I’m so sorry, Matt.” “She did it to protect me.” He says, swallowing to hold back tears. “I don’t know what to do, Nalak. I’m not going to hand my brother over but I don’t know what they will do if they come and find everyone here. I mean, you’re an albino, Cash is a vitiligo, Ramey’s an RH- and I’m a flux. Sakina and Octavia will get pulled into it because she’s harboring all of us. We need a plan and we need to leave.” I nod. “I agree but… we need to hear what’s happened. Everyone is really worried about you guys and with how R is, I don’t trust him to make good decisions. We need answers.” “I’ll try and get him to talk.” Matt goes back into the room as I run my

Radioactive Chronicles

61 deviations

Battle of Sweet Darkness: 2 - Ni

I woke up next to something warm, a blanket around me. I turned over and found Kyou lying next to me with his arm around me. I sat up and the blanket fell from my shoulders. The cold touching my bare skin let me know that I was naked. I pulled the cover back over me and looked around. There was blood all over Kyou and I frowned, looking down at my stomach where I knew that guy had stabbed me. The wound was bandaged but there was blood stains on the bandages. It was raining outside, just enough to be annoying when I heard a log fall in the fire and turned. “Kenji…” He smiled and handed me a cup that had something steaming out of it. I looke...

Redo Stories

97 deviations

Cyborg Story: 1 - Egy

If there was anything more annoying than the fact that the government was trying to replace men with machines, it was that it was working. Nyphele Banza knew that things were not going right in the world when she had all the credentials to be a nurse but machines were so much better and didn’t require pay. Correction: the androids didn’t require pay. What was the point of her wasting all her time in nursing school when all they were going to tell her was that the androids knew everything that was needed to be known and they would be doing those jobs from now on? She hated the androids and wanted nothing more than for them to break and go...


35 deviations