jallen327 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jallen327/art/Delsa-In-the-Goop-Cave-final-173808804jallen327

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Delsa In the Goop Cave - final



Here's day two of my drawing a day challenge. I think after this I'm going to stop doing color and focus on the drawings themselves. I love the color though. Next month I'll focus on coloring the drawings I've done this month so I can focus on coloring technique.

Also, I HAVE to fix or get a new Nostromo game pad. I use it for all my Photoshop shortcuts and I sure miss it when it's busted.

As for the picture, that's Delsa escorting/rescuing some poor noble cutting through a cave she assumes is save. Oops.
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AyaneMatrix's avatar
It would be interesting to see a followup to this particular drawing. I'd really like to know what ends up happening to the pair, especially Delsa since she's the one who assumed the place was safe. :evillaugh: