I'm an independent creator with a BFA with Honors in Painting from the University of Houston, though I work in a vast array of media. I decided to pursue independent study and experimentation rather than continued formal education, and have actively attended workshops and artist meet-ups for years. The best teacher is experience. It is paramount that artists leave the studio and interact with the world, learning from fellow artists of all walks of life, exchanging ideas and teaching each other new methods.
If I don't know how to do something, I will teach myself how to do it; I believe the only limitations you have are the ones that you set for yourself. I seek to express my ideas and stories in a variety of ways in order to speak to a broader audience. I keep a running tab of fresh references and study materials on hand, and am always excited to share my discoveries with others. I constantly seek out new subjects to learn in order to better myself, and believe that all life experiences enrich the art-making process. Whether the material on hand relates to art, science, history, metaphysics, exercise and wellness, psychology or some other subject, I approach all of them with the mindset of taking away as much as I can and using it to enrich my work.