Los May'nanurJakeukalane on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/jakeukalane/art/Los-May-nanur-484676454Jakeukalane

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Los May'nanur



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Los May'nänur son pequeños pero poderosos seres interplanares con forma de esfera que crearon un imperio comercial basado en sus megaconstrucciones estelares. Adaptaron muchísimos sistemas solares por encargo en multitud de Planos. Al igual que los Cazadores Interplanares son los mercenarios, los Maynanur son los arquitectos que operan en diversos Planos.
También son conocidos por colaborar de manera activa en la construcción de los Planetas Artificiales de los Dussianos.

Sin embargo su mayor obra tuvo lugar en su propio Plano y en su propio sistema estelar produciendo una obra más allá de la imaginación, transformando espacio, tiempo, gravedad y materia.

Los Maynänur se originaron de forma espontánea en un Plano Energético.

Sus características físicas son difusas puesto que su cuerpo se mueve entre Magnético y Maynanur, sus dos mundos.

Magnético es un mundo misterioso puesto que es una enorme estructura cuadriculada de metal envuelta de un velo de energía de color azul que impide observar la "superficie" de ese "mundo".

Maynanur se encuentra en el extremo contrario y asemeja más su forma a la de un planeta convencional pero nunca del todo: es un óvalo achatado y hueco por una parte.
En ese hueco, llamado Leijvi, se condensa un tipo especia de materia interplanar de la que surgen (por generación espontánea) los Maynänur.

Son de color dorado y pueden transportar objetos entre diferentes Planos.
The May'nänur are small but powerfull interplanar beings with shape of a sphere that created a comercial empire based on their stellar megaconstructions. They adapted many Solar Systems to make them habitable by request of other species, in many Planes. As the Interplanar Hunters are mercenaries, the May'nänur are architects that operate in different Planes. They are also known because they collaborated actively in the construction of the Artificial Planets of the Dussians.

But his greatest work was in its own plane and their own star system producing a work beyond the imagination, transforming space, time, gravity and matter.

The May'nänur originated spontaneously in a Energetic Plane.

Their physical characteristics are diffuse because their body moves between Magnetic and Maynanur, their two worlds placed in their native Energetic Plane.

Both worlds are joined by a huge magnetic field of enormous force.

Magnetic is a misterious world because it has a huge metal grid structure wrapped of a veil of blue energy that prevents observing the surface of the world. However, it is known that Magnetic hasn't a spherical shape, typical of a planet.

Maynanur is at the opposite end of the magnetic field and have more similar in shape to that of a conventional planet but not entirely: it is a flattened oval hollow one hand.
In that hollow, called Leijvi, it condenses a special type of interplanar material from which the May'nänur arise spontaneously

The May'nänur are gold and can carry objects between different Planes.

Imagen original/original image

Wall Texture 5. por/by :iconivaxxx:IvaxXx

Hecho con/done with

GIMP 2.8 & GMIC (fractalize) bajo/under GNU/Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Image size
3072x3072px 7.96 MB
Shutter Speed
1/30 second
Focal Length
5 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 19, 2012, 6:25:22 PM
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Ghaziya65's avatar
The energy this piece gives great! Beautiful work!Clap :happybounce: +fav +fav +fav