Rachel BriceJaimeIbarra on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jaimeibarra/art/Rachel-Brice-314442855JaimeIbarra

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Rachel Brice



Model - (The Inimitable) Rachel Brice

On Friday the 13th of 2005, Rachel Brice invited me into her dressing room to shoot for a few minutes after a show she just finished.

Conditions were nowhere near ideal. I only had my 6.1 MP Digital Rebel, plastic piece-of-shite kit lens, no lighting other than the fluorescent tubes in the ceiling, and an endless stream of people muscling into the dressing room to congratulate/meet her.

But Rachel was very cool, and despite the myriad of distractions, she managed to remain aware that I was trying to photograph her. All throughout the meeting-and-greeting that was happening, she would shoot little glances/poses my way, whenever possible. She is the epitome of the Performing Artist, as a breed.

I was even invited to have sushi with her and her entourage, afterward :) I walked away from the experience with several photos that (at the time) were the best ones I had taken (by my standards), thus-far. Or at least, the ones I was the happiest with, in my photographic infancy. Either way, it was a pretty damn good day...especially considering it was on a day that has been traditionally associated with bad luck, by the superstitious among us.

So, happy Friday the 13th :)

Tutorial videos of my post-production and Photoshop techniques are available now at: www.ibarra2.com


© 2004-2012 Jaime Ibarra Photography | www.ibarraphoto.com

My work is protected under copyright law. My images are not produced, represented, sold, distributed, or licensed as stock photography. You may not use, print, distribute, reproduce, alter, edit, or manipulate my work in any way, either in it's entirety, or in portion, without express written consent and license from me.

In other words, don't steal...make your own.
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© 2012 - 2025 JaimeIbarra
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