Poirot the Animated SerialJaffaCakeLover on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/jaffacakelover/art/Poirot-the-Animated-Serial-185778782JaffaCakeLover

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JaffaCakeLover's avatar

Poirot the Animated Serial



Inspired by (and lifting a thing or two from) this background image from an old 50s cartoon, I decided to draw Hercule Poirot in the same style... then remembered his stories are set in the Art Deco 1930s. Whoops.

Then I found on the above Wikipedia page that states his tales "were published between 1920 and 1975 and set in the same era". Phew!

Consider this the poster for a 50s cartoon serial, the kind shown in theatres like Tom and Jerry was!

Still not quite authentic-looking enough for me; some little details & design conventions being missed out. Chip a suggestion in if you feel like it!
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800x1280px 417.88 KB
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SonOfPerun's avatar
So... what are the twelve tasks of short Belgian man?