Bonsai BashingJaffaCakeLover on DeviantArt

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Bonsai Bashing



My friend John is still running Final Boss Fight, which i've done logos and various little bits for. Near the end of their 48th Podcast, they discussed how you could never pitch Mario today - A plumber who jumps on things and eats mushrooms? Please.

The above was imagined to prove this point: How about you go to an indie iPhone app developer, pitching a monobrow big that saves his friends (magically transformed into Bonsai trees) from an evil architect? Using his laser eyes?

I designed it as a Master System game. It just feels to belong to that NES era of hardware, but as a knock-off for the rival console. Oh, and while they got better with time, many of the system's game covers were bad. Really bad. Look up Black Belt, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, or Pro Wrestling (I loved that game) for proof.

This Deviation download is the wallpaper pack I made for FBF, so they have their logo in the corner (adapted into a low-budget 90s developer style) instead of Sega's. It contains:

* 1024x768
* 1280x1024
* 1366x768
* 1440x900
* 1600x1200
* iPhone 4 (Retina display)
* iPad 3 (Retina display)

If you're still using 800x600 on something that's not a phone, I pity you.
© 2012 - 2025 JaffaCakeLover
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