Devious Journal Entry

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jadeoracle's avatar

:pointl: NEWS </u>:pointr:

:bulletpurple: (I know I still have to finish the Italia Series.) My computer died last month and so I've been dealing with that. Trying to get all my programs. I didn't loose any photos...but it is still a pain to get everything up.  

:bulletpurple: I also have a creative block right now and so as soon as I feel more motivated the Italia Series will be finished. (There are 3 days left.) And I'll start working on the other series that are sitting on my hard drive that I shot this past year.

:bulletpurple: Another notice: I just got to new jobs (for a total of 3.)  First is to redesign the EncryptX website, and second (and I am very excited about) is being a Support Tech at LifePics, an online Digital Photo Printing company. I'm starting out just doing support but I'm told that as time goes on I will be working with Professional Photographers as well as Professional Photo Labs!  

:pointl: LINKS </u>:pointr:

:bulletblue:  My Website
:bulletblue:The Fray's Cable Car Music Video Shoot
:bulletblue:The Fray

:pointl: Groups & Clubs </u>:pointr:

:icondeviant-contests: :icononewordphoto: :iconphoto-class: :iconthe-abandoned-album: :icontheunknownartists: :iconrestlessphotographer: :iconnaturpics-club:

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