Jadeonar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jadeonar/art/Jundland-Hoth-Melted-Over-v2-116709423Jadeonar

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Jundland Hoth Melted Over v2



This is a slightly reworked image I had made as a virtual birthday card titled "Happy Birthday my Friends", with the wording on the card in Aurebesh font, as it was for my fellow Star Wars RPG gaming friends. About 3 of them shared the same Birthdate, and one of them gave the band members names.

The original picture was 2048x1536 (4:3 aspect ratio) and didn't feature the keyboarder or drummer, which I finally added when revisiting the scene and rendering it in 1680x1050. Also fixed a few artifacts that was in both the stage surface and background - water or ice? But I'm not stopping there. I'm expanding this group which I've been wrestling to find a proper name for...

I've finally settled on the band name: Jundland

Band member names credited to FulonGamer:
Lead Twi'lek singer: Teren-Sekk
Guitarist left side: MR3L33T (Mr. Elite)
Guitarist right side : MRN00B5 (M. Noobs)
Pole dancer / backup singer - Togorian: Serit
Pole dancer / backup singer - Zeltron: Diyanna
pit-droid drummer: MR93A4T (Mr. Peart) (bonus points if you get the reference)

Additional credits:
Furrette by Littledragon
B-Co by Shukky
V3 x2 - Daz
DUM Pitdroid for poser by fwhsdesigns
Guitar freebie by Xurge3d
Keyboard - unknown...

Sky/atmosphere/clouds, lighting, landscape and stage by myself, done 100% in Carrara 6.2.1

Stay tuned for more of this group and band member info... Literally!
Image size
1680x1050px 267.05 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Jadeonar
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