The Wrath FairyJadeDragonne on DeviantArt

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The Wrath Fairy




The (not-so) deadly sin fairies. Because they are way toooooo cute to be deadly! :)

They are the ones that sit on our shoulder and tempt us to be a little bit naughty ;) You know, not enough to go to hell, but just enough to let the steam go out!

This is Windy, the Wrath fairy.

Wrath can be defined as anger or strong exasperation in rage at something or someone. It is often the result of our impatience or of having our pride hurt.

Windy is the one responsible for us losing our temper the other day, the one transforming us Dr Jekyll in Mr Hyde when hit with road rage, and the one ruining Hulk in clothing !!!

Although uncontrolled anger can be quite costly, when channeled properly anger can also be positive. Anger can sometimes lead to newer, higher level goals, possibly fueled by the desire to prove others wrong, motivating us to work harder. Anger also prevents us from passively accepting societal wrongdoings. It ignites us to take action. Many of society’s most important changes have come about because people got angry with the way things were and set out to correct those injustices. Just think about the Women’s Rights Movement, the abolishment of slavery or the Civil Rights Movement. :heart:

:painter: To see this lineart colored, click here :[link]

:star: To see the other not-so-deadly sin fairies, click on the links below:

Pride : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Sloth : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Lust : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Gluttony : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Greed : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Envy : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
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1685x2221px 363.87 KB
© 2011 - 2025 JadeDragonne
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Maiko-Girl's avatar
The Wrath Fairy Colored by Maiko-Girl Colored this one.