The Sloth FairyJadeDragonne on DeviantArt

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The Sloth Fairy



The (not-so) deadly sin fairies. Because they are way toooooo cute to be deadly! :)

They are the ones that sit on our shoulder and tempt us to be a little bit naughty ;) You know, not enough to go to hell, but just enough to let the steam go out!

This is Sissy, the Sloth fairy.

Sloth is the desire for ease and the inclination to being lazy.

Sissy is the one responsible for us calling sick last morning even though we weren’t really sick. The one that make us leave the dirty dishes in the sink and go sit in front of the TV. She’s the reason why we bought that birthday cake at the bakery instead of baking it ourselves...

But we kind of like her anyway because one of the basic rules to escape the hurly-burly of modern life is to sit back and watch the grass grow, the birds fly, the clouds float and to laze on our bed on a Sunday morning and wait for our partner to treat us to a nice breakfast in bed. Come on! She’s the one allowing us to recharge our batteries after all ! :heart:

:dj-designs: To see this drawing lineart, click here :[link]

:star: To see the other not-so-deadly sin fairies, click on the links below:

Pride : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Gluttony : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Lust : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Wrath : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Greed : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Envy : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Image size
1490x1956px 440.74 KB
© 2011 - 2025 JadeDragonne
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fullcolour-canvas's avatar
so cute!she is so cute!