The Gluttony FairyJadeDragonne on DeviantArt

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The Gluttony Fairy




The (not-so) deadly sin fairies. Because they are way toooooo cute to be deadly! :)

They are the ones that sit on our shoulder and tempt us to be a little bit naughty ;) You know, not enough to go to hell, but just enough to let the steam go out!

This is Gloria, the Gluttony fairy.

Associated with food, gluttony is a no-no sin in keeping with figure consciousness, health or fitness concerns and social awareness about the existence of economical deprivations and poverty line existences.

Gloria is the one responsible for us eating that second piece of cake even though we really were NOT hungry anymore. The one to blame if we don’t fit in the clothes we bought last summer. And the one explaining why there is so many candies hidden in our office’s drawer.

In spite of all these high sounding issues, we kind of like her because the exploration of culinary diversity, nouvelle cuisine and the art of entertainment and eating out, permits enjoyment and give us opportunities for social reunions. Plus, we have to admit, that chocolate ice cream did help us to go through our last break up! :heart:

:painter: To see this lineart colored, click here : [link]

:star: To see the other not-so-deadly sin fairies, click on the links below:

Pride : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Sloth : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Lust : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Wrath : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Greed : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Envy : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
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2220x2035px 528.31 KB
© 2011 - 2025 JadeDragonne
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Maiko-Girl's avatar
The Gluttony Fairy Colored by Maiko-Girl Colored this one.