The Envy FairyJadeDragonne on DeviantArt

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The Envy Fairy



The (not-so) deadly sin fairies. Because they are way toooooo cute to be deadly! :)

They are the ones that sit on our shoulder and tempt us to be a little bit naughty ;) You know, not enough to go to hell, but just enough to let the steam go out!

This is Erin, the Envy fairy.

Envy is definitely an experience common to all of us. Erin is responsible for the occasional evil thought we all had: She's so skinny, she makes me sick or She doesn't deserve such a great guy. We all look at the neighbour’s grass and find it greener that ours one time or another. Envy is a defence when we feel vulnerable — when someone else is getting status or recognition for something we want.

Beyond being normal, envy can sometime be a good thing. Think of it as the personal trainer of emotions, motivating us to work harder for what we want — be it a better job, stronger relationship, or smaller pants size :heart:

:dj-designs: To see this drawing lineart, click here :[link]

:star: To see the other not-so-deadly sin fairies, click on the links below:

Pride : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Sloth : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Lust : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Gluttony : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Wrath : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Greed : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Image size
1921x1731px 334.29 KB
© 2011 - 2025 JadeDragonne
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Chalaya's avatar
I just adore her expression and pose! You can't help but want to hug her and try to make her feel better! She's just too cute!