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The (not-so) deadly sin fairies. Because they are way toooooo cute to be deadly!

They are the ones that sit on our shoulder and tempt us to be a little bit naughty

This is Erin, the Envy fairy.
Envy is definitely an experience common to all of us. Erin is responsible for the occasional evil thought we all had: She's so skinny, she makes me sick or She doesn't deserve such a great guy. We all look at the neighbour’s grass and find it greener than ours one time or another. Envy is a defence when we feel vulnerable — when someone else is getting status or recognition for something we want.
Beyond being normal, envy can sometime be a good thing. Think of it as the personal trainer of emotions, motivating us to work harder for what we want — be it a better job, stronger relationship, or smaller pants size

Pride : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Sloth : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Lust : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Gluttony : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Wrath : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Greed : Colored [link] Lineart [link]
Image size
1596x1706px 302.32 KB
© 2011 - 2025 JadeDragonne
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