-- the moment i loved you --jadedice on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jadedice/art/the-moment-i-loved-you-51872572jadedice

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jadedice's avatar

-- the moment i loved you --



they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

i say those words may attempt to capture the moment
but can never come close

how can you describe in words
the moment you take a leap
the moment you have no control over your heart
the moment you love..

this moment,
the moment i love you.

-from the pages of jhack
in conjunction with this: [link] XD;;

i was talking to mek a while back, about why jhack are never drawn in any sort of intimate relations via hug/kiss/etc...1) because i fail at all my attempts 2) because i think their relationship can be more effective without showing that 3) you'll have to wait for the comic installation in the artbook to find out?? 8D XD;

jhack/j/hack is mine. what a way to stress release and not sleep til all hours of the night.
do not use w/o permission. do not color.
Image size
450x636px 156.28 KB
© 2007 - 2025 jadedice
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Imani-C's avatar
Wow this is good.Good Job