Zebra Stock 04Jaded-Night-Stock on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/jaded-night-stock/art/Zebra-Stock-04-332116417Jaded-Night-Stock

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Jaded-Night-Stock's avatar

Zebra Stock 04



More stock from my zoo trip :)


The photos I have taken and am providing as stock images are ONLY for stock. Do not claim as your own, do not sell them. They are made for artistic purposes only - to help provide references for drawing, to help with manip artwork, etc. They are NOT to be used for commercial purposes. My photographs are for your use as an artist and I hope everyone will follow my guidelines and have fun with them! If you have any questions about something that you are afraid might not be allowed by me, feel free to note me! (Please note my main account [link] if you're looking for a fast response)

If you enjoy my photography and would like to view more (higher quality) photographs please visit my main account:

Nearly ALL of my dog and cat stock comes from photographs I take while volunteering at my local animal shelter. Please consider adopting a pet - there are so many out there who need loving homes.

All that I ask:

:bulletpurple: Put my link in your deviation comments (credit)
:bulletpurple: Please note me, or post on here anything you use my image in.
:bulletpurple: You may use this image off dA, but you MUST link back to me and give credit ON the image (if you cannot put the link on the image, having a link below it wherever you use it is fine).

:bulletorange: The more feedback I get, the more likely it is I will continue to add stock images to my gallery

Like my stock a lot? Use my stock a lot? Please donate points to help me get an upgrade: [link]
My stock remains free because I love seeing what people do with it :)

Simple enough ;D

To view other stock images, please visit my gallery ;D
Image size
600x902px 973.97 KB
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