Archer-boyjacquelynvansant on DeviantArt

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Seventh Sanctum's Class Act Contest - Entry #2
Generator: Humorous Fantasy Class
Result: Archer-Waiter

The country of Hianthelis is the center of commerce in the civilized world with dozens of prosperous metropolitian cities and thousands of miles of paved roads that cover the entire continent. Convoys and caravans are constantly traveling along the highways and byways.

Twelve years ago, one young merchant named Aperen found that he quite disliked the plain, foul-tasting food, hostile service, and roach-filled rooms of the various slummy taverns and shady inns that dotted the landscape.

Thus was born Aperen's Auberge, a luxury-style hotel-chain with nearly two dozen locations throughout the country and all residing on the busiest and most traveled roads. The AA became the place to stop, whether merely for a fast yet delicious lunch or for a relaxing night in spacious rooms and soft beds. Each glamorous inn has an unique restaurant which serves local specialties as well as AA favorites. However, due to the popular demand placed on the AAs, the founder and owner, Aperen, decided that he needed waiters that were more than just polite and efficient but fast and entertaining as well.

That is when the Archer-boys of Aperen's Auberge became famous. Handsome young men with superb archery skills became the only individuals Aperen would hire to wait tables at his restaurant/hotels. They are fast, daring, awe-inspiring to the crowds of the higher enchelons of society, and also a great theft deterent. (What person in their right mind would attempt to steal from a place whose waiters carry bows and arrows and knows how to use them?)

Pictured above is Raniel, one of the most famous Archer-boys and the poster-boy for the entire AA chain. He currently travels between inns, training the newest recruits and also doing publicity events. He began working as an Archer-boy at the age of fifteen (which is the youngest age an individual can be when applying for a position at an AA), and he has spent five years, thus far, in this line of work. When this reporter asked what his favorite part of his job is, he replied with a grin: "The look on people's faces when I shoot their menus to them from across the restaurant."

So next time you are traveling along one of Hianthelis' many roads, we recommend stopping by an Aperen's Auberge and see the Archer-boys firsthand. It is truly an amazing experience.

Aperen's Auberge and the Archer-boys backstory is very loosely inspired by the real-life Harvey House and the Harvey girls of the southwestern United States. :aww: (And, no, they did not use bows and arrows!)

:pointr: Original Sketch

Ink Art 1.3, Paintshop Pro 7

© Jacquelyn Fisher. 28 November 2007.
Image size
836x634px 312.81 KB
© 2007 - 2025 jacquelynvansant
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Lesleigh63's avatar
Great sense of perspective with this one. Nicely done.