Dogfish Shark CirculatoryJacquelineRae on DeviantArt

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Dogfish Shark Circulatory



Probably my favorite from the vertebrate anatomy drawings. This is the circulatory system. Arteries on the left and veins on the right.

EDIT: After getting several emails asking for the key to this image I've decided to just include it in the description:

1) Efferent spiracula artery
2) Stapedial artery
3) Afferent spiracular artery
4) Afferent branchial artery
5) Ventral aorta
6) Efferent branchial artery
7) Dorsal aorta
8) Testicular artery
9) Hepatic artery
10) Celiac artery
11) Internal carotid
12) Hyoidean artery
13) Paired dorsal aorta
14) Conus arteriosus
15) Coronary artery
16) Ventricle
17) Atrium
18) Sinus venosus
19) Transverse septum
20) Subclavian artery
21) Brachial artery
22) Ventrolateral artery
23) Gastric artery
24) Duodenal artery
25) Pyloric artery
26) Anterior intestinal artery
27) Anterior mesenteric artery
28) Gastrosplenic artery
29) Posterior mesenteric artery
30) Inferior jugular vein
31) Anterior cardinal sinus
32) Subclavian vein
33) Hepatic portal vein
34) Brachial vein
35) Posterior cardinal sinus
36) Hepatic vein
37) Posterior cardinal vein
38) Lateral abdominal vein
39) Renal portal vein
40) Cloacal vein
41) Iliac vein
Image size
2404x1904px 3.24 MB
Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Shutter Speed
1/125 second
Focal Length
15 mm
Date Taken
Jun 3, 2009, 12:52:02 AM
© 2009 - 2025 JacquelineRae
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Dragon-of-DC's avatar
I just did a dogfish shark dissection a couple weeks ago and I've been drawing everything into my notebook for my practical, but it's a little difficult to find any good diagrams of the veins and arteries, so this is fantastic!