Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)Jacob-the-Fox-Critic on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jacob-the-fox-critic/art/Halloween-4-The-Return-of-Michael-Myers-1988-1097267114Jacob-the-Fox-Critic

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Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)



"He's here to kill that little girl, and anyone who gets in his way!"

Lets continue our Monster Mash with the Shape's vengeful return to Haddonfield as he stalks his niece determined to kill her; Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers.

Ten years after the events of the first two films, Michael Myers, who has been in a comatose state for ten years since the end of "Halloween II", is transferred to Smith's Grove Sanitarium by ambulance.

Upon hearing that he has a niece, Michael awakens, kills the ambulance personnel, and makes his way to Haddonfield.

Michael's former psychiatrist, Samuel Loomis, learns of Michael's escape and gives chase. He follows Michael to a gas station, where he has killed a mechanic for his clothes, along with a clerk and disabled the phones. Michael then escapes in a tow truck and causes an explosion, destroying Loomis's car in the process. Loomis is then forced to catch a ride to Haddonfield.

Meanwhile, Jamie Lloyd, Laurie Strode's daughter and Michael's niece, is living in Haddonfield with her foster family, Richard and Darlene Carruthers, and their teenage daughter, Rachel.

Jamie knows about Michael, but she is unaware he is the strange man she has been having nightmares about.

Richard and Darlene head out for the night and leave Rachel to babysit Jamie, causing her to miss her date with her boyfriend Brady.

After school, Rachel takes Jamie to buy a Halloween costume. Michael arrives in Haddonfield and steals a mask from the same store where Jamie and Rachel happen to be; he almost attacks the former, but is forced to flee when Jamie screams and alerts Rachel.

That night, as Rachel takes Jamie trick-or-treating, Michael goes to the electrical substation and kills a worker by throwing him into high voltage, plunging the town into darkness.

Meanwhile, Loomis arrives in Haddonfield and warns the new sheriff Ben Meeker that Michael has returned.

Michael attacks the police station and kills all of the officers. A lynch mob is formed by the town's men to kill Michael.

Will Loomis and co. be successful in protecting Jamie from her murderous uncle?

The story is pretty decently written as while the plot structure can be a bit too similar to the first film, and the climax does go on a bit too long, the film does still manage to be pretty entertaining and interesting thanks to the film's dark, creepy, and foreboding atmosphere and tone which is set up with a great opening scene of farmland with some Halloween decorations, there are still some pretty creepy, intense, and disturbing moments, there is some genuine suspense and even a little bit of decent drama and humor here and there.

The horror aspects of this film are pretty solid as while they're not as strong as those from the earlier films, the film does still deliver some effective scenes that can be intense, disturbing, suspenseful, and creepy like that farmland part during the opening credits, Jamie's nightmares about Michael, the kills, the gas station scene, Michael stalking Jamie across town, and the climax which has the rooftop scene, the school scene, and the truck scene on the highway.

The production design is pretty good like in the previous films and does share many of the same qualities like the sets and setpieces being well made, the actual filming locations featured being well utilized, the lighting being pretty solid and effective, and the costumes,makeup, and clothing being well crafted. But somehow Michael's mask doesn't look quite right this time around.

The special effects are also pretty solid as they do look well crafted like the blood and gore, the fire and explosions, the stunts and breakables, the gunshots, and more.

The characters are a mixed bag as while there are plenty of bland and forgettable characters who don't serve a purpose other than being killed, there are still some pretty decent and somewhat likable characters in this like Jamie who's a pretty decent protagonist, Dr. Loomis is still pretty good, Michael's still a pretty ruthless and menacing villain, Rachel is a solid supporting character, and some of the more minor characters are alright like Sheriff Meeker, the lynch mob hunting down Michael, and the reverend that helps Loomis get to Haddonfield.

The acting is pretty well done as the actors do give some good performances like Danielle Harris as Jamie, Donald Pleasence as Loomis, Ellie Cornell as Rachel, George P. Wilbur and Tom Morga as Michael Myers, and more.

Alan Howarth is flying solo this time for the music, but he does manage to deliver a score that does sound pretty good and well composed, and it does manage to do a good job at capturing the film's dark, eerie, suspenseful, and intense tone.

Overall, this film does have it's issues, but it's still a well crafted and enjoyable entry in the series, and a good way to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the first movie.


Donald Pleasence as Dr. Sam Loomis

Ellie Cornell as Rachel Carruthers

Danielle Harris as Jamie Lloyd

Tom Morga and George P. Wilbur as Michael Myers

Michael Pataki as Dr. Hoffman

Beau Starr as Sheriff Ben Meeker

Kathleen Kinmont as Kelly Meeker

Sasha Jenson as Brady

Leslie L. Rohland as Lindsey

Gene Ross as Earl Ford

Carmen Filpi as Reverend Jackson P. Sayer

Raymond O'Connor as Security Guard

Jeff Olson as Richard Carruthers

Karen Alston as Darlene Carruthers

Nancy Borgenicht as Woman Attendant

David Jansen as Man Attendant

George Sullivan as Deputy Logan

Michael Ruud as Alan "Big Al" Gateway

Eric Hart as Orrin Gateway

Logan Field as Unger

Alan B. McElroy as State Trooper At Ambulance Crash Site

Danny Ray as Tommy


Directed by Dwight H. Little

Screenplay by Alan B. McElroy

Story by Alan B. McElroy, Danny Lipsius, Larry Rattner, and Benjamin Ruffner

Produced by Paul Freeman

Music by Alan Howarth


Production company: Trancas International

Distributed by Galaxy International Releasing

Release date: October 21, 1988

Runtime: 1 hour, 28 minutes

Image size
1500x1050px 1.7 MB
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Fredystar's avatar

My favourite film of The series