JackStryker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jackstryker/art/Erica-s-investigation-793848488JackStryker

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Erica's investigation



You may recall how I made some fan art of this character and her colleague Sully taking part in a karate match.  Regrettably, I wasn't able to put together an outfit that resembled the suit that she wears in the game... until now.  (Although this time, it's for Genesis 8, rather than Victoria 4.)  So here, at long last, is a render of Erica Reed from the PC game Cognition, performing an investigation in a suspicious-looking alley. 

I don't know why the program made her hair look brown, by the way.  I could swear plain as day, that I set it to red.
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1015x996px 1.58 MB
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