BustedJackOrJohn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jackorjohn/art/Busted-712619558JackOrJohn

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For the longest time, I've wanted to do a 1920's styled Zootopia. For that I've created these retro re-designs of Nick and Judy, with Judy wearing an old NYPD uniform, and Nick being dressed in a similar manner to Charlie Chaplin's famous Little Tramp character. 

Hopefully I'll get the chance to expand this idea. I loooooove silent movies and 20's cartoons, so I have a lot of material to take inspiration from.

Other pics in the 30's lineup: 
Pram Scam Jam by JackOrJohn  Big Bad Ewe by JackOrJohn  Whole Lotta Otter Love by JackOrJohn
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2040x1364px 416.16 KB
© 2017 - 2025 JackOrJohn
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Masterrockzz's avatar

I really like the 1920s silent animation style of this art.