Portrait of a Phantomjackieocean on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jackieocean/art/Portrait-of-a-Phantom-14479124jackieocean

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October 25, 2005
Portrait of a Phantom by *jackieocean is a stunning digital portrait. Even if you aren't a fan of the phantom of the opera there's no denying the skill that has gone into making this detailed portrait.
Suggested by hippyofdoom
jackieocean's avatar

Portrait of a Phantom



This is a portrait of the Phantom (from The Phantom of the Opera) based on how Gerard Butler depicted him in the recent film. This was painted entirely in Photoshop with a tablet, using a pencil sketch I did as the base.

From January of 2005.

EDIT: Ohmygosh, I got a DD? Wow! :w00t: Thank you so much to hippyofdoom for suggesting it and subversive-imaginati for choosing it. You guys rock! :hug:
Image size
525x700px 110.78 KB
© 2005 - 2025 jackieocean
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JasminneArtist's avatar

Yuck!! Ew!! Disgusting!! That's no Phantom! That's a phony!! Pathetic!!