Jackewa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jackewa/art/ID-1118-Consilium-malleus-cudendum-497130582Jackewa

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ID: 1118 Consilium malleus cudendum



:new: SOLD! :new:
New owner is: ComplacentFool 

ID: 1118
Name: Consilium malleus cudendum
Name Meaning: Nordic forging hammer
Nicknames: Malleus, Loghain
Personality: An honest Stallion that loves his freedom. Sometimes he need a pause from the life with other Ballators. he's very proud of his horns and his long mane. He loves to run over heat grounds 
Special: Sometimes he need a strong hand to keep him calm
Gender: Stallion
Stable: :iconnordstern-stables:
Breed: Equus-Ballator // Desert Ballator
Age: 27 Years
Height: 16,7hh 

 Palomino Splash Leopard Appaloosa Calva Inverted Horns [Silver Carrier]
Genotype:  ee/Aa/nCr/nZ/nSpl/nLp/nCal/nInv
Type: Desert Ballator
(No, this ISN'T a jester in his mane, just my style to draw hair) ;)

                ------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
                ----------------- SS:  STARTER
                ------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
         ----{Sire:E-125 Terra diaboli
        |       ------------------------------------------ SDS:  Unknown
        |       ----------------- SD: STARTER
        |       ------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
ID: 1118 Design Holder
        |      ------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
        |      ----------------- DS: STARTER
        |      ------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
         ----{Dam:F-309 Alexandra (Highlord gifts added)
                ------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
                ----------------- DD: STARTER
                ------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown


Palomino: +1
Splash: +2
Appaloosa: +1
Silver Carrier: +0,5
Calva: +2 
Inverted Horns: +3
Extra horn sets: + 4 

Total: 13,5 (I think...)

Stat Points: 74
Gaits: 0
Dressage: 0
Jumping: 16
Intelligence: 5
Stamina: 14
Speed: 28
Strength: 15
Experience: 0

Breedings are OPEN! 150 :points:  without a bp, 100 with a fullbody picture
1. :bulletred: Equinera (special thanks that I was allowed to use your beauties uwu) 
2. :bulletred: Equinera (and thank you again! I'm really so happy to have this awesome boy!) 
3. :bulletred: MemosNiceSide (a gift for my best friend :heart: )
4. :bulletred: MemosNiceSide (and another gift for her second Desert mare. :heart: )
5. :bulletgreen: OPEN
6. :bulletgreen: OPEN
7. :bulletgreen: OPEN

:bulletblue: B-1171 Intestabilis Fatum from Jackewa
:bulletpink: B-1169 Aenigma Signum Ref-Sheet from MurosNiceSide
:bulletblue: B-1152 Nox Vallis Ref-Sheet from MurosNiceSide
:bulletpink: ID: B-1184 from SleepingForestx3

Breeding Note: equus-ballator.deviantart.com/…
Image size
1349x1160px 567.27 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Jackewa
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ToxicCreed's avatar
OHMYGOSHTHOSEHORNS! I just love this boy holy cow so beautiful :heart: I love how the calva looks like he has like this blood vessel look to it on his forehead :heart: