KOBO: HometownJackEavesArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jackeavesart/art/KOBO-Hometown-464213182JackEavesArt

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KOBO: Hometown



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Here is the full environment from my previous post! This one took a while to do, mostly because i wanted to experiment with a different workflow to utilise 3D, to give an example of 3D paintovers for my portfolio.

Overall i'm pretty happy with how this turned out :) There more i would like to do, but my eyes need a break from this image for now so i'll call it done.

And also some pencil sketches for the town buildings, i'll use more of these later.

Would love to know what you guys think of this workflow, it's certainly not fast right now but it might be good to keep practising it.

Other KOBO concepts:

KOBO: Hometown On Fire by JackEavesArt  KOBO: Ancient Forest 2 by JackEavesArt KOBO: Ancient Forest by JackEavesArt KOBO: Tree Exploration by JackEavesArt  KOBO: Kobo The Merchant Redesign by JackEavesArt KOBO: Healing Stones Concept by JackEavesArt

Image size
1855x973px 753.79 KB
© 2014 - 2025 JackEavesArt
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Will-Erwin's avatar
This is a triumph of technique and style. I give you this llama in tribute. Thank you for serving up this feast for the eyes.