
SS: Treatropolis Main Quest 3: Treat Side

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Treatropolis Main Quest 3 - Treat Side
407 words


“You poor child, tainted by the dreadful nightmare. You have been incredibly strong to return here to me, and I thank you for that.”

This statement jolts me back to reality. I had been slipping back, slipping away again. But I am here and now, in control of myself once more.

I see my queen… I think. We successfully recreated the sun and I look out over Treatropolis to see the deerfolk running away. This was our purpose. The driving force in our awakening. But now, I am aware. I feel ill.

“Look at them,” the queen speaks again, disdain dripping from her voice. “Dirty creatures, come to define our home. What right have they to step upon our wonderful dream.”

Yes, I had felt this too. I was swept up in the emotions of my fellows.

I look down below. I remember the one who brought me out of the labyrinth… that place which had “tainted” me. She was kind, I could tell. I do not wish to destroy her.

“We must destroy them.” The queen's simple statement makes me shiver. My blood feels cold.

The queen shows me something now. The past, what the nightmare did to us. How long ago was this? She tells me many things. She hates them.

The deer are not all like this. I know. I again picture the fishlike one who helped me.

I catch a glimpse of a particular deer below. Their pelt is pink, purple, blue, and white. I linger on each color and remember this is the one me and my fellow Treats stopped… attacked.

They are trying to stop another deer from attacking us. I feel remorse. The queen is trying to fire me up again, like when I attacked that deer before. I will not listen.

I wait until an opening appears and make my escape. Out of the castle, out of this city, out of the dream -- that mad queen's dream.

Whatever I believed in before, I no longer feel within me. Some few kind deer could not erase past transgressions. But I do not want a new war now.

I will seek my own path, even if that means forgetting again.

I find myself in water. A nightmare. Her home. I see her.

She seems surprised to see me. She brings out her eel-like shadow as if to play once more.

Everything is still clear to me. I remember her name.


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