
SS: Treatropolis Main Quest 3: Stygian Side

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Treatropolis Main Quest 3 - Stygian Side
305 words


Darkness swirled, erasing the world around Albedo, erasing the researchers still remaining, erasing their memories, erasing… was there anything left?

A voice: “Albedo.”

They could not even form the words, to tell this creature to go away, leave them be, let this end.

“Is this truly what you want?”

Why were they still talking? Of course this is what Albedo wanted. They wanted to go home.


The darkness that shielded the Stygian’s eyes from the world did feel familiar, but something was missing. What was missing…? Stars? That was right, Albedo’s home--their true home--it had stars and planets that floated through the air. Space to explore and colorful lights, space dust… That was home!

This total darkness, this wasn’t home.

Realization struck Albedo like lightning.

Home! I want to go home!

The fog cleared. The voice continued.

It spoke to Albedo of the past, what had happened here, what was coming, what needed to be done now. The voice gave Albedo a choice:


Albedo stood, and surveyed the land around them. Their fellow deer had begun to evacuate -- but some… some seemed to be on the hunt, looking for the small Treats with whom they had so recently had pleasant interactions with. They had even shared a body, experienced what it was like to be a Treat. It was awful, but it brought some level of understanding. Perhaps vengeance was reasonable, but Albedo only felt pity.

What the Treats gave up for this… what it cost them. Albedo had no desire to cause more strife.

Evacuation was successful, and Albedo stayed until the final Stygian -- of those who were willing to leave without destruction -- had been taken to depart.

Finally, when assured their task was done, they stepped onto the train. Surely, peace could be found between the two species. One day?

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