Treatropolis Main Quest 2 - Treat Side
313 words
General note: The OOC prompt text mentions Treats do NOT turn Stygians into the Styx form -- in this narrative, this particular Treat doesn’t do that, but sure thinks that they do.
Where am I? Who am I?
I see myself in a puddle -- I think it’s peppermint swirled. Or blood. Do I know what blood is? The word sounds familiar but I can’t remember a taste to assign to the image it conjures.
I suspect such ruminations are beyond me. Ruminations? That’s a big word! I sure am having some weird thoughts these days -- thoughts! When was the last time I had a thought?
The queen. When I saw the queen, that was it. Why am I thinking again? I am in the middle of the wonderful land of sweets and--oh! There is something shiny over there. I will go look.
I stare at the shiny through a cotton candy bush. I do not know why, but it excites me. My tail twitches around so hard, I think it may tie into a knot. I need to go to that shiny! I run to it.
Many others also run to it! I do not know them, but I feel a kinship with them! We need to get the sun, we need to fix it. The sun? Right, this is the sun! I see a dirty, filthy, nightmare-beast nearby. I leap toward it--it must be stopped!
We stop it. Together, me and my friends. It got too close to our sun, and we rescued the queen! The queen! The queen! We cheer -- do we cheer? I see us cheering, but surely not. I cannot speak. Only think. I’m thinking -- I must save the sun.
I am close now. I stare into it. I feel as though I am about to touch a bygone era. We lift the piece as one. This is not the full sun -- we must fix it!
We take the sun, it is safe. We will find the other pieces. We will repair the damage done.
We will get our revenge.