J5A4 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j5a4/art/MLP-The-Rose-Of-Life-cover-458882292J5A4

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MLP The Rose Of Life cover



portada de mi comic de MLP, esta vez la historia esta escrita por mi.
quiero agradecer a los que me ayudaron con su opinión.
les advierto que esta historia puede ser obscura y cruel para algunas personas.

cover of my comic of MLP, this time the story is written by me. 
I want to thank those who helped me with his view of history. 
I warn you that this story can be dark and cruel to some people.

comic en español [link]

comic in English [link]

한국의 (Cómic in Korean) [link]

Cómic en français. [link]

комиксы на русском языке (comic in Russian)   [link]

When Demons Awake Sequel to The Rose of Life.


MLP When Demons Awake Cover by J5A4    When Demons Awake Chapter 2 - Cover by J5A4    When Demons Awake Cover cap 3 by J5A4   When Demons Awake Cover cap 4 by J5A4

if you want to translate my comic to your language and share the link here, please contact with me.

others comics:

MLP - Surprise ( Party of one sequel )[link]

comic MLP party of one [link]

invader zim nubs of doom [link]

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Todos los derechos y diseños pertenecen a Hasbro :iconhasbroplz:  y lauren Faust :iconfyre-flye:.
Image size
2550x3300px 1.52 MB
© 2014 - 2024 J5A4
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Netzach-Lifeglow's avatar

Someone has stolen this:

The Rose of Life