Tard SlideJ-Works on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j-works/art/Tard-Slide-151671453J-Works

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Daily Deviation

January 28, 2010
I couldn't just watch this animation once, I had to keep watching it again and again and again... The animation is very smooth, and the little bump at the end is so adorable, and the tard is so eager to go slide again, too! Tard Slide by ~Royaba
Featured by catluvr2
Suggested by Krissi001
J-Works's avatar

Tard Slide



Yeah Tard!!! :dummy:

It's be awhile since my last emote, hope it was worth the wait.

... he sort of looks like an orange... just saying

EDIT Alright, so for the first time ever, I don't have enough time to say thank you to everyone who :+fav: so to everybody who has :hug: THANK YOU!!! :glomp:

EDIT 2HOLY S*** I got a DD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no emoticon could express how I am feeling right now. I would like to thank `krissi001 for suggesting and ^catluvr2 for featuring, and also =TimberClipse because I know he suggested it too :woohoo: <- does not adequately describe this emotion

EDIT 3 Just because I've had a lot of people ask me, NO you can not use this for your avatar. It's not that I won't allow you, believe me I want to use it too, it's just to big of a file.
Image size
50x50px 47.82 KB
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