J-Scott-Campbell on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j-scott-campbell/art/Mary-Jane-Sideshow-Statue-Print-Artwork-388309005J-Scott-Campbell

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Mary Jane Sideshow Statue Print Artwork



Here is the finished promotional art with additional coloring by Nei :icontoolkitten: Ruffino for the upcoming Mary Jane Polystone Statue, the 1st of the J. Scott Campbell Spider-Man Collection from SideShow Collectibles, available for Pre-Order HERE: www.sideshowtoy.com/?page_id=4…

And here's the link to the Interview I did with Sideshow from San Diego Comic-Con where I went into detail about the project: www.sideshowtoy.com/experience…

I'm NOT looking for "critiques", so don't waste either of our time! Thank you.
Image size
1200x1742px 870.31 KB
EPSON Expression 1640XL
© 2013 - 2024 J-Scott-Campbell
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ThaPro's avatar
How can you leave that at home to fight crime? lol Shhhh...If it was me, NYC would be in trouble. lol Great work as usual.