Little Miss MuffetJ-Scott-Campbell on DeviantArt

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J-Scott-Campbell's avatar

Little Miss Muffet

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Fairy Tale Fantasies 2010 Calendar!

Ha! I might be the LAST person on the internet to actually post these, but I figured, this is "MY" Deviant art page after all, right? It'd be silly if I didn't feature them. After all, I'm extremely proud of these and the truly inspired color artistry :iconbakanekonei: did on them!

And be sure to pick up THIS year's 2011Fairy Tale Fantasies calendar, which can be found HERE!:


(While supplies last!)

Signed PRINT Available HERE!:

Image size
543x826px 180.83 KB
© 2010 - 2025 J-Scott-Campbell
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StrandedGeek's avatar

He just wants to give her super powers, so long as she uses them responsibly.