J-Scott-Campbell on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j-scott-campbell/art/Black-Widow-INKS-detail-181854019J-Scott-Campbell

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Black Widow INKS detail



BACK STORY:Earlier this year I was invited to attend the HEROES show in Charlotte NC. And before attending the show, I was very flattered when I was asked by Shelton Drum, the show organizer, to draw a program cover for the Con. He had just come back from seeing IRON MAN 2 and suggested that a drawing of Scarlett Johansson's portrayal of the Black Widow would look killer! I agreed, and well... that's how this artwork came to be! It's been since turned into an official Black Widow cover for Marvel, and also into a limited edition signed Print by ME!, Available HERE:


The PROCESS:I penciled and inked this piece using mostly PITT artist pens on a toothy bristol board so that I could later get this textured surface to her outfit using essentially a "black crayon"! I didn't want to do the typical "shiny leather" on this outfit since it appeared that this costume had much more of a matte finish in the film. I remembered seeing Adam Hughes do a similar effect years ago when I was fortunate to share a studio space with him and it stayed with me. I was rather pleased with how it came out!

FULL Color version HERE:

Image size
831x831px 186.66 KB
© 2010 - 2024 J-Scott-Campbell
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zaco21's avatar
She looks good!