j-rad306's avatar


You can't stop the signal
146 Watchers157 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (52)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Name: j-rad
D.O.B.: November 10
Species: Fox (most of the time)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Orientation: Straight
Political beliefs: Moderately conservative
Likes: Anime, videogames, music, fiction, the environment, furry art, ponies (yes, I'm a brony), cartoon WG/inflation
Dislikes: Idiots, trolls, haters, spam, porn
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, writing, watching TV, listening to music, surfing the Net
DeviantARTist since: March 11, 2008
YouTuber since: June 26, 2008
FA User since: April 6, 2010 (I mainly just use it to look at other people's work)

Some friends of mine:
My brother:

Current Residence: Oregon
Favourite genre of music: Basically everything except hip-hop and country (I like some of those, but not a lot)
Favourite style of art: Anime/manga, anthro
Operating System: Windows 10
MP3 player of choice: iPod Video
Shell of choice: Do Koopa shells count? How 'bout seashells?
Skin of choice: Winamp Bento
Favourite cartoon character: Goku
Personal Quote: My madness is never without method.

Favourite Visual Artist
on dA: Virus-20, Cammiluna, JohnJoseco (an odd top 3, yes, but it's true)
Favourite Movies
POTC, LOTR, HP, Star Wars, Transformers, Interstella 5555, The Princess Bride, The Bourne Trilogy, many others
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Daft Punk, Linkin Park, The Pillows, American Hi-Fi, Shiny Toy Guns, Owl City, Skrillex, Nero, Yoko Kanno
Favourite Games
It's a tie between Orange Box and Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Favourite Gaming Platform
Anything Nintendo
Tools of the Trade
a .5 (or .7) mechanical pencil, a bunch of colored pencils, a printer/scanner/copier, and MS Paint
Other Interests
Anime/manga, TV/movies, music, videogames, literature, art, chemistry, the environment
Yep, as of today, I've been a deviantARTist for 14 whole years. Well, I haven't really been active for all of those 14 years, but still, pretty crazy to think about. Anyway, I wish I had a big announcement or a new drawing or something else to celebrate the occasion, but I don't, sadly. I just wanted to drop in to say hello and wish everybody the best. Stay safe and keep being awesome. Peace out. :peace: EDIT: Actually, I do have a couple announcements to make. Just last month, I compiled a YouTube playlist of the music I chose for the (admittedly absurd) "Rock-a-dA" story I worked on some years back. For those who wanna check it out, here's the link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhwGpm7-7ct3NDbYL__LABAeuEIKSDZwx Speaking of which, I mentioned in my last journal that I was working on tweaking and revising "Rock-a-dA". Well, now that I've finished upgrading the story on my computer, my next step is to do the same with the chapters in my gallery. And unlike the needless
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Hey, everybody, I'm back online to remind everyone I'm still alive--and also to drop a few announcements. First off, thank you to everyone who's been :+devwatch: ing me, :+fav: ing and commenting on my work. I don't have time to thank everyone individually, but your support still means a lot to me. Second, my brother has a new YouTube channel (ThisIsCopilot) that he just started using a few months ago. He streams himself playing video games--sometimes solo, sometimes with friends--with his trusty penguin sidekick, Ted. He plays mostly shooters and battle royales (like Halo, Fortnite, and Warzone), but he sometimes shakes it up with other games and basically just has fun gaming and chatting it up on stream. I don't know his schedule, but IIRC his next stream is tonight (February 9) at around 8 PM (U.S. Pacific Time) where he'll be playing Warzone. In fact, as of this writing, it's happening right now. So, if you'd like to support my bro and help his channel grow (and enjoy some
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So yeah, sorry for disappearing just as I was becoming active again. I've got a lot going on in the real world. Getting my taxes done, moving to a new place, etc. And because of that, it'll be at least another month or so before I'm active again. I still have a bunch more pic ideas to draw, not to mention I still have to draw something for MJ455's contest. But I'm afraid that'll all have to wait for a bit. Fear not, though, for I'm sure I'll be active again before long. Anyway, see you when I see you. ^_^ :peace:
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Profile Comments 1.3K

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Would it be okay for me to remaster one of your older pics?

Awesome work, liking what I am seeing so far!

Hope to see more of it! X3

Thank you, and thanks for watching. ^_^