Name: j-rad
D.O.B.: November 10
Species: Fox (most of the time)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Orientation: Straight
Political beliefs: Moderately conservative
Likes: Anime, videogames, music, fiction, the environment, furry art, ponies (yes, I'm a brony), cartoon WG/inflation
Dislikes: Idiots, trolls, haters, spam, porn
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, writing, watching TV, listening to music, surfing the Net
DeviantARTist since: March 11, 2008
YouTuber since: June 26, 2008
FA User since: April 6, 2010 (I mainly just use it to look at other people's work)
Some friends of mine:
My brother:
Current Residence: Oregon
Favourite genre of music: Basically everything except hip-hop and country (I like some of those, but not a lot)
Favourite style of art: Anime/manga, anthro
Operating System: Windows 10
MP3 player of choice: iPod Video
Shell of choice: Do Koopa shells count? How 'bout seashells?
Skin of choice: Winamp Bento
Favourite cartoon character: Goku
Personal Quote: My madness is never without method.