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On September 8, 2010, my cat Lilit died of lung cancer, a painless and fast one, that just didn't let her breathe anymore. She was 15, but may have lived much more years if motherfucker vets had thought in her health and not in their greed.

These are mobile phone photos by my wife or me that I restored to eliminate noise, and bring back the true colors of my cat. When she died we thought we had no photos, because she didn't like cameras, and all we had were these. Finally, I recovered 67 photos of her, and we made a TV slideshow with them, and a Youtube video.

I could talk for hours about her previous health problems. I could rage against those ignorant money makers called veterinaries. Or how I feel they have taken a part of my life away, and my wife is even worse because she was much more time all day with her.

But I prefer just to talk about what she meant to me. So here it goes...

My wife and me took her from an animal shelter. She had 2 rat bites in her back, and was very thin. She was terrified, and the first thing she did was crawling over me to my head. I took her in my arms again, and she pushed herself against me, holding herself with her claws from my shirt, as I hughed her and took her to the car.

Since then, she always seeked and found protection in me. When she was terrified, because she was in the veterinary, she pushed herself against my chest, and sometimes put her little head under my arm, and I huged her little soft body. And I felt that enormous love coming from such a small creature, that I would have killed for her.

When she arrived home, she was full of fear, and hide in every corner, under the bed. I crawled and chased her at all times, until she let me touch her, until she wanted to stay with us because she knew we only wanted the best for her.

Those who abandoned her when she was a cub didn't know that they were throwing away a diamond, something that may fill 15 years of their life with the small moments of happiness that make life be worth living.

A little being full of goodness, in a small soft incarnation as a cat. Intelligent, deep green eyes like fields of wheat.

I wish I had been able to be with her more time. Now I miss the wet nose, Eskimo kisses of cat, she smelling the grass, see her sunbathing at the balcony, playing with a hair band, the cats bell sound

She's gone and I want the sky to become black, I wish everybody was crying, time has stopped, never will return. The world has turned more hostile, more dreadfull, more full of loneliness. Daily moments, some minutes of the day, have become a torture.

I was her father by her will, and she was, as I called her, my little hairy daughter. I put my finger between her claws and she grab it, like a baby. When I crossed her I took her in my arms from her little legs and kissed her face or her back under the neck. Whispered ridiculous songs she liked in her ear, told her that when she is healthy again we will return to the country to smell plants and climb olive trees, and that she was the most beautiful thing that my eyes had ever seen. When I returned from the street, she stared at me and we didn't need to say anything when our green eyes crossed, we both know the love we shared.

Now God has called her to lay in Jesus' lap, to a new life, reborn as a cub, and play with his golden hair like she did with mine when we found her, until we meet someday again, truly, eternally...

I would feel very pleased if you make any art with my cat Lilit, please show me if you do. That way you will make her live forever.
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