dc womens lineartJ-Estacado on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j-estacado/art/dc-womens-lineart-93464313J-Estacado

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dc womens lineart



well I'm so bored actually that I submit plently of stuff here in hope reading comment here and there :rofl:
I like reading comments. Good or bad. (ok goods are better :p )
so this is My "DC womens" lineart.
The colored one is finished too, but i'll wait a bit before submitting it.

size is something around 60cm x 45 cm. Worked it big, because smaller faces would have been torture to draw.
Used some models; and did'nt going to far from them when used.

Left to right:
lois lane,supergirl , wonder woman, donna troy, zatanna; powergirl,poison ivy.

Like "the cheerleader part II" this pic is in my scraps.

see ya soon !
Image size
1024x768px 260.19 KB
© 2008 - 2025 J-Estacado
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MellissaLynn's avatar
So...did you ever get around to coloring this one?  :) PS: if you did, could I get a link to it, pretty please??  :huggle: