annataZJ-Estacado on DeviantArt

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It's the finished version of a pic I've done for the French website "comicverse" !

Some pics were requested for Christmas and the New year; so I've tried to provide one, even if December was an extremly busy month for me, so yeah; I couldn't really finish that one by the time, but It was ok however, the final pic is not that different; just added some FX and stuff here and there (like the chain) :D

I don't remember where I found the corset.... I think it was on D.A; in "artisan craft" ,,but I searched for 20 pages,but can't found it back, so maybe that was elsewhere ?
... well, when I had to paint this one.I was going to do the classical black leather stuff, and remembered I had a cool corset in ref somewhere, then ; Used it as reference (and YES ; I've painted it, it's not a photo , thanks ! ).
I'm just bored that all the texture and shades I make on the flowers patttern completly disapeared once the pic was set on 1000 px. high. gee..... -_-'

(and YES, I will continue drawing Zatanna until you can found one of mine in the first page of the D.A "search " directory !!!!! :lol: YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! )

Drawing on a4 basic paper
inked with brushes and mechanical pens.
Colors w/photoshop 7.0

zatanna is © DC comics

Happy new year !!!
Image size
726x1000px 245.7 KB
© 2009 - 2025 J-Estacado
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Daredoll-Fan's avatar
Wow!! (The tongue twister is just cool!)