Zatanna-cabaretJ-Estacado on DeviantArt

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J-Estacado's avatar




This one was done a long time ago; but I always thought it will be submited on the christmas period; because it really sound like typical cards of this kind of categories :)
as if the contains are nothing to see with x-mas :rofl:

So for those who don't know the character, that's Zatanna; a magician form the DC universe and I-in case- took no liberties with her outfit as you can see:

[link] or

So zatana could really suit as a striper if I can say , then
I go on something with some kind of strip tease club on this pic; that was to do cool and that was I love it, in fact!

At her bottom you can see batman and superman who are thinking that "booth is the healer" :lol: while they are taking a "look" at zatanna !
(by the way ,what you read in the background is pure logical: the group who got this name is formed by ex -stipper)

and to finish with some zatanna's way of saying magical spells:

0.7 pohsotohp-
4a no gniward-

original lines here:

others :

Zatanna /Batman/ Superman/JLA are © DC comics
Image size
699x1000px 204.28 KB
© 2006 - 2025 J-Estacado
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profutur1971's avatar
Belle image ! Bon travail ! Félicitations !