ZATANNA - markersJ-Estacado on DeviantArt

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ZATANNA - markers



"Old" stuff (around 1 years ago ) of mine.
Done when I decided to try the warm grey markers, as I usually only used cool greys.

The 2/3 french guys that met me in conventions usually know about this picture, has it's generally my most appreciated piece in the portfolio and if someone I know from these con' read this NO I STILL WON'T SELL IT !! :rofl:

Not that much to say otherwise . It's a study, I did to break out with these new markers.
Clothes , jewelry and haircut were done my way, but pose and face remains to my usual model for Zatanna at 90 % , so it was supposed to stay in my "personnal" stuff, not destinated to be exposed on the internet.

Never say never, I ended posting it on CAF [link] because, afterall, reference or not, I thought I did a pretty good job on her; and it was usefull to submit this kind of piece to show what result I may obtain in commissions.

It quiclky changed as I switched for warm and cold grey values done with watercolors; and just kept markers for smooth surface or other textures.

I used warm grey 1 2 3 4 5 on this picture. the 1 2 and 3 were nearly empty once the pic was ended, I tryed so hard to smooth the pic that they didn't last for long !

It's the other reasons why I switched for watercolors : I can have the same result in 5 minutes with just a few colors and water.
And it cost nealy anything, comparing to these damn markers who quiclky cost your arm.

See you later for other "excellent adventures of Zatanna in Ced's frustrated mind" :lol: ( maybe for halloween ?! ;) )



-pencils and inks on 11x 23"
-Shaded with warm grey markers.
-background pattern added on photoshop.
-THIS version : added cold grey values w/photoshop.
Zatanna is © DC comics
Image size
1000x707px 176.38 KB
© 2010 - 2025 J-Estacado
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nickbussy's avatar
Ace piece. Figure is spot on.