J-Estacado on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j-estacado/art/ZATANNA-burlesque-178674774J-Estacado

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ZATANNA - burlesque



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EDIT 03 10 2013 : new FX, new lights, then new shading too.Also cleaned the whole pic.

Felt like doing this kind of pic.
Had NO hesitation about which character would be included:D

In fact I had the idea for a loooooooooong time, but also took a looooooooooooooooooggg time to produce the pic.

It was draw on an oversized 11x 23" as usual, I focus too much on the face, and then I need to draw this part very big... and when you have a complete body to draw, this is how it ends :lol:

The POV was one of the most tricky (huh... "trikyest ?" dunno what word I have to put right here ) stuff I had ever draw; but was completly in need for the main subject ( drawing a standing front view of the character would have been useless for example ).

You HAVE to target what is linked with the words in the pic !! Well, at least when you HAVE words/titles in your picture, of course !

For example; here you have : "mistress", "cabaret", "burlesque", "decadence", "striptease" ... words associated with fetish stuff in general and a certain attitude/style .

Comments and critiques are welcome, but I don't give a damn f*** about your aesthetic tastes however.
so in case, please save your time (and mine) by switching to a other picture/deviant.
If you watch me, it's generally that you know what to expect.

Other ZEE:


-pencils and inks on 11x 23"
-colors w/photoshop 7.0 + wacom.
Zatanna is © DC comics
tip: give me a job, DAMMIT !!!!!!!
Image size
584x1200px 344.85 KB
© 2010 - 2024 J-Estacado
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SonofChinglu's avatar
Why is it dated 2010? Was this a companion piece to some event?