THE MAGICIANJ-Estacado on DeviantArt

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[edit] 05/12/2013: I reworked the pic a bit now I'm more confident than in 08 when it's about painting shadows: so the pic does have more depth than before

Supposed to be Zatanna, but with such a title I avoid problems of © :D

Old stuff form one year ago, I was watching Alex Ross work; and the way He paints his stuff; so I tried to do the same (beginning with a ful l greyscaled pic, then applying colors over it)

MMM that remembered me the time I was in art school and worked on pastel, that was the same dammit and boring proceed.

The pic could have been better in other way (if I worked it MY way) but as it was a training method, heh not TOO bad in the end.
Also it has been a while I didn't painted something in traditionnal :D

---------------OTHERS --------------
Zatanna,one more -again by J-Estacado ZEE by J-Estacado annataZ by J-Estacado
ZATANNA  statue -fake- by J-Estacado ZATANNA - markers by J-Estacado

- acylics inks and watercolor on A3 watercolor paper, some airbrush postwork too. 
- white spots added on photoshop.

Zatanna © DC  </i>

Image size
756x950px 249.97 KB
© 2008 - 2025 J-Estacado
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