I V Y  statue -fake-J-Estacado on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j-estacado/art/I-V-Y-statue-fake-172212538J-Estacado

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J-Estacado's avatar

I V Y statue -fake-



If you follow my astonishing adventures throught my blog, then this is no news for you, However you should find an interest by reading the ENGLISH description here :lol:

Well this was moslty done as a model sheet for me, as since 3 pics I definitly changed Ivy design to make something of my own.
As I don't always remember How I draw her from A to Z; I did this to have a full model to refer, when I'll have to draw her again.

I also did that as if it was a collectible, a statue ... and did it the way I would like to see her !

I've never been good enought at sculpting or modeling stuff, even after 4 years doing that, I never completly managed to realize what I had in mind ; so Unfortunalty I haven't the abilities to make my wish come true, Oh sad ! :rofl:

It was LOTS OF fun doing everything around that art, packaging, design.... etc,etc,etc...
I know most of you won't be interested by this picture, but; hell; you can still fav' my previous pic ;)

- HEY, Mr.DC Don't you think it would be a nice Statue ?
-Yes ?!
-Sweeeeeeett !!! I have free time for you on my planning; contact me (please) (sob)

Other ivy (you can even see how odd my art was years ago) ( what ? who said it STILLS odd ? I hear you !! :lol: )


pencils and inks on A3
colors w/photoshop 7.0 + wacom.
Poison ivy is © DC comics
Image size
1123x1000px 345.85 KB
© 2010 - 2025 J-Estacado
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BloodTalonHero's avatar
How did I not add this to my fav before? :disbelief: Ivy statue FTW! I know it's just art and I shouldn't be asking silly questions but what material is her outfit made of? The texture doesn't look like leather or latex.