J-Estacado on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j-estacado/art/Blaze-Axel-Streets-of-Rage-33571840J-Estacado

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Blaze-Axel: Streets of Rage



I finally made it ! argh! it's been 4 years that I try to make somethin' for the greatest video game : streets of rage !!! (or Bar knuckles for the original title)

ok , here is the 2 mains characters: Axel and Blaze (yeah they are the only ones who appears in the 3 issues) .
I take nearly no liberties, so, for the people who didn't played the game (shame on you !):yes, the characters clothing style is like that .

I just do what I want with their attitude however; I liked the idea of giving Blaze a sarcastic look : with the bubble gum who tend to give an innocent school girl style; and her general clothes who doesn't give the same style at all plus the fact she look somewhere else, like she don't care....
She was really fun to made !
Axel just got some typial heros pose;I think he smiles cuz' he gonna kick some but in a few :lol:

Thought for no background. I admit that was kind of hard to manage with it when the colors came, I tried to find somethin simple and graphic.

drawing on a3.
colored on photoshop 7.0

[é 16/06/07] Brand new version ! new colors; more clean, more smooth, add texture, review some points.... changed the overall thing in fact. :D
I think that maybe I will continue to chnage it a bit, but later :D

Streets of rage is ©Sega
Image size
728x1000px 265.1 KB
© 2006 - 2024 J-Estacado
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AeroHybrid's avatar
Awesome work on her :D

I remember playing this game when I as young in my local Arcade