Cutting: The Temporary Fix-All by Izzy392, literature
Cutting: The Temporary Fix-All
Cutting: The Temporary Fix-AllBy: Scott MayWhen you ask a person what they know about cutting, it is often perceived as a wild and senseless act done by those who seek attention from those around them. While this can sometimes be the case most of those that do so use it as a coping mechanism. To survive a hellish life that continuously tries to destroy them. Here, in this paper, I plan to try to the best of my abilities to explain what we go through, why we do it. Why that loved one you have does it. And why it's so hard for them to stop.There are many reasons why one might inflict harm on themselves. They may feel alone, like there's no o...
AscensionChapter One
BurhardtA long string of curses issue from my lips as the frenzied man tries to break through my guard. I am on my back with my knees against my chest, both boots on his shoulders, pushing him back. His right arm is missing, having taken a blow from my machete before knocking me over. The spray of blood that followed splattered the wall of the hallway. His remaining arm flails against my own as I hold it back from my throat, my free arm reaching for the blade that had been knocked from my hands when he had charged me. Finding the handle, I swing a quick stroke, removing his head. The body twitches for a moment before b...
Chapter 14: Vanishing Act
Holland RutherfordTo my dismay, Blake awakens me a little while later. He figuratively knocks on my mind's front door. I meet his link and spurt out, "What, Blake?"He responds a few seconds later. "We've got serious problems. One of my men has gone missing. No blood, no screams, nothing. He's just... Gone."Despite my wish to stay here, cuddled up with Loralei, I respond. "Gah, I'll be there in a moment.""Alright. I'll be waiting." is the only response I get.I slip out of bed gently without waking her, pulling on the pair of jeans I was wearing the night before, sneaking out of the room as light-footedly as possibl...
Chapter 13: Reunion
HollandConsidering the nature of this change, I can only assume the worst. Amadeus is using some ploy that has the Fire Orb as its target. I need to see if I can stop it. And if Amadeus is involved, even someone as strong as Blake would be a liability.I cycle through different sections of myself, looking for that one abnormality. Finding it, I enter, and have a good deal of regret for doing so.My grandfather's voice is resounding in my head, surrounding me but not overwhelming me. "Hello, boy."After having an internal conflict with myself to not shiver from the memories brought forth by Amadeus' pet name for me, I speak...
Chapter 12: Through the Eyes of a Martyr
BlakeLight flickers dimly above me, but my eyes don't register color or shape, only light and dark and shades of gray. I blink once; the sound of my eyelids closing makes my ears ring. Time doesn't matter; only the seraphim that brings the sweet red nectar, and relieves the pain of rebirth. Slowly my strength returns, and my mind sharpens. I recognize sounds and voices; metal clattering together, the sounds of Holland crying out, Loralei's teardrops hitting flesh and cloth. I keep track of the sounds of Danielle sleeping, and the angry remarks she shoots my way. A full day passes, my body so exhaust...
Chapter 11: Brotherhood
Holland RutherfordI missed the feeling of a solid set of steel wrapped around my body. Blake and I both rush up the stairs, a Nodachi, a long curved sword that is normally wielded with two hands, slung over my back. Danielle is close behind. I normally dislike weapons of Asian descent, as they are good for singular combat, but often are not durable. However, the force I usually put into my strikes makes battleaxes and weapons of that like unnecessary. I think at one time they would have called it 'overkill.'I stop and politely, but urgently, and with that hint of anger under my voice, ask the vampire that had been t...
Chapter 10: Depression
HollandI'm furious with myself. I should have kept it under control! Instead, I allowed it to overflow and Loralei paid the price. Now there's almost no chance she'll stay with me. Not after seeing what I did to Aria. I can't stand myself, let alone expect someone else to. No matter how many times I apologize or try to explain, she'll never be able to stand being around me now. I haven't seen her since last night. She's been crying ever since. I lean against the wall beside her door, sliding down and sitting on the floor. After a few hours of thinking, I speak to her."Loralei... I understand if you want to leave. I w...
Chapter 9: Mistakes
LoraleiThe darkness renews itself, and I begin to dissect this mechanic. I can't see what he doesn't remember. Things that he is unconscious for. Colors begin melting into place, once again interrupting my thoughts. I see him awaken as the girl begins to stir. He is instantaneously up, sitting against the wall again. She awakens slowly. She sits up and looks at him sadly. He returns her look with a smile. His smile is hollow. His eyes are duller still. It pains me to see it, knowing what he looks like when truly happy."What's your name?" The little girl asks in a small, inquisitive voice."Holland Crescent Rutherford. An...
Chapter 8: Transformation
LoraleiI snap awake, jerking up into a sitting position. A shriek of pain rebounds through the walls. My heart begins to speed up, escalating in ferocity until it feels like my ribs are vibrating from the beating they are receiving. What if the Demons found this place? What if they attacked him before he could awaken, before he could defend himself? My eyes begin to sting at the thought. I stand, worried now, trying to hold back my tears. I walk to the door. Every step that brings me closer makes my heart beat faster still. By the time I've reached the door my breathing has slowed to a shallow pace. I reach for th...
Chapter 7: Humanity
HollandBlake, Danielle, Loralei, Blake's subordinates and myself are slogging our way through the forest in the direction of Blake's compound. The greatest part of the humans decided to part ways with us when I killed the fat man. One of them has chosen to stay with us, though. He's young, and he's very quiet. He sticks to the back of the group.Loralei looses her footing, tumbling but catching herself on a tree branch.She stands and shakes a little; I am beside her quickly, holding her shoulders to keep her standing.Blake chimes into my head. "We can take a break if she needs it." I nod at him in response,"I think I'm a...
Favourite genre of music: Metal Favourite style of art: Literature Operating System: Windows XP *nukes Vista* Wallpaper of choice: The Phoenix Personal Quote: "Ability without Honor is useless."
Well, after a tough night spent in the hospital, I have lost my inspiration for the Sanctuary project... My apologies to those who were looking for more. I may pick it up in the future.Until then, please satiate your hunger for writing with a different project of mine.
Things remembered when one is asleep. Things forgotten when one is awake. Where the deepest layers of memories become the outmost layers of one's dreams. Which are reality? Which are illusions? One cannot tell until one awakes. Or perhaps they are, at the same time, both Truth and fiction.
"The death of one is a tragedy, the death of a million is just a statistic." The preceding quote is from a song entitled "Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson. (my favorite artist) I know, I know, he's not exactly held in a high regard by most of the world. Just bear with me here.Now as most of you know I've had quite a good number of losses over the course of my lifetime and these lyrics set me to really thinking. At first I thought 'There's no way that that can be true!' Then I got further into it and I discovered that it's completely true... I'm sure most of you don't agree but hear me out.Think of when you see it on the news. A few thousand p...