Fluttershy - Free icon for ~Crystallynaizzy-the-hedgehog on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/izzy-the-hedgehog/art/Fluttershy-Free-icon-for-Crystallyna-310722508izzy-the-hedgehog

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izzy-the-hedgehog's avatar

Fluttershy - Free icon for ~Crystallyna



Project part;

This is what the first winner of this contest [link] has requested.

About the Art:

This was won by :iconcrystallyna:

this fluttershy took me about, a day and a half to do.
one day to find the right pose to study fluttershy, and about 6 hours of animation time.

this is within the guidelines of what i had stated i would be doing for the free avatars, ... but i feel it was on the edge, it isn't really a complex animation, but it sure did take a while to do, with over 60 frames.


This is copyrighted by me, using it without my permission, by uploading it as your own, or altering it and then uploading it, is Illegal and could get you banned from dA or worse.

Terms of use:

as this is a free icon, and the winner, has said that she does not mind if other people use it, anyone may use it as they please, please comment if you do use it though, as i ask in the details of my free icon gallery.

Examples used:

i used the episode "Dragonshy" from MLP FiM season 1.
and nothing else really...

Tools used:

MSpaint and Gimp 2.6.2

Colors used:

i used the colors of fluttershy found in the episode Dragonshy.

Artist Notes:

i feel this icon could have been better, but really, there probably isn't anything i could do to improve it that much, without stretching my limit of 15Kbs, for dA avatars.


suggest me to groups if you think other people would like my art, watch me if you like my art, fave if you like the picture, and comment, because its nice.

keywords for search: Remember you can also suggest keywords, encase i didn't put something that would go good with any picture.

MLP my little pony friendship is magic FiM icon icons avatar avatars free limited time inanimate Crystallyna winner fluttershy
Image size
50x50px 14.81 KB
anonymous's avatar
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muffins4all's avatar
How do you make it