pop-shuvitivyhaze on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ivyhaze/art/pop-shuvit-443106354ivyhaze

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ivyhaze's avatar




this gal was supposed to be an adoptable but i couldn't let her go but then
i realised i really needed the money so she's been sold to ZowieStardust-MLP

i'm keeping the info here in case the new owner wants to keep some of the info 

name: pop-shuvit
nicknames: poppy
gender: mare
age: 18 (human years)
birthday: august 2nd
type: earth pony
cutie mark:
 a red skateboard surrounded by stars
talent: doing various skateboard tricks
nationality: american, born in los pegasus
occupation: works at a skate shop
location: not decided yet
likes: skating, pop-punk music, the colour red, grafitti, hot weather
dislikes: ponies telling her what they think of her, cold weather, rain
fears: none that she'll ever admit, though she's not so fond of small spaces
sexual orientation & relationship status: bi & single
special somepony: nopony at the moment
family: none decided. might make her step-sisters with whirlwind
positive characteristics: modest, caring, outgoing, generally friendly, productive, energetic
negative characteristics: loud, judgemental, dramatic, rather selfish, can often be inappropriate
voice actor: not decided
theme songs: not decided
Image size
2826x1372px 1.62 MB
© 2014 - 2025 ivyhaze
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19TuffCookie19's avatar
i don't know but something screams
Vanessa Torres when i see her i dont even know