erin go braghivyhaze on DeviantArt

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erin go bragh



NEW OWNER: FeatherySpirit

if you buy him you can change anything you want about him :)

name: erin go bragh
name meaning: irish for "you're fucked"
actual name meaning: "ireland forever"
nicknames: erin (only family), irish, "the saint"
gender: stallion
age: 34 (human years)
birthday: march 17th
type: earth pony
element: integrity & justice
cutie mark: a rosary with a golden horseshoe (beaded necklace missing)
talent: destroying all that which is evil so that which is good may flourish
nationality: irish (duh)
occupation: vigilante | also works as a leader of the royal guard
location: an abandoned attic in canterlot
likes: st. patty's day, pranking, drinking, running, jumping, fighting
dislikes: injustice, rope, judgemental ponies, dishonesty
fears: being locked up in jail, losing sorrel, sorrel being hurt
sexual orientation & relationship status: straight & taken
special somepony: sorrel sky
family: sorrel. and a (secret) daughter named gallant grit
positive characteristics: charismatic, brave, independent, honest, kind
negative characteristics: violent... can get carried away with his emotions.
voice actor: sean patrick flanery… (on the right)
theme songs: the blood of cu chulainn | better days | the saints are coming

erin go bragh is the name of a very mysterious pony. he's often seen around canterlot and ponyville,
though no one knows where he lives. few dare to speak to him due to the many rumours about his actions.
"irish" is a common nickname that is used by ponies who aren't familiar with him.

erin is a vigilante. that means that he only kills criminals, and is therefore in a sort of grey zone with the
law seeing as he does the police's job for them, but in an illegal way.

there are some ponies though, who have heard of him and what he does, and who actually appreciate him
for it. they think he's doing the right thing by cleaning up the streets and making equestria a safer place.
his fans refer to him as "the saint".

more info coming soon!

erin go bragh © kreighzee | mlp:fim © hasbro & lauren faust
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3507x2474px 1.35 MB
© 2014 - 2025 ivyhaze
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