Weekly Feature #1

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iVickery's avatar
.:Weekly Art Feature:.

These features will happen weekly on Saturdays I've decided.
I wanted this to be a one-time thing but people were very cooperative and excited about my idea so if this goes on this'll definitely become a regular thing I do on this account.
So let's get started. These are not sorted in any particular order.

Please note I do not go by popular opinion. If a piece is more popular in your gallery than the one I picked, it won't affect my choice. This is entirely my opinion. 

Grounded Dragon

Grounded Dragon by PaladinPainter
How can you make a painting so cute and cool (should I say... hot?) at the same time?
Digital media, by PaladinPainter

BeAch PArtY

BeAch PArtY by BabanIllustration
That's one nice and creative angle. The picture is so well drawn and composed.
Digital painting by BabanIllustration

Lieutenant of Death

Lieutenant of Death by RavenCorona
This acrylic painting has got undeniably impressive dynamics and details.
This is the work of artist RavenCorona

AT xXSkillcyXx

AT xXSkillcyXx by Eisschweif
Digital media. What I love most about this is the soft colors that go so well together.
Made by Eisschweif


Intensity by SkittleRocket
True to its name, this photograph really captures the intensity of this cat's gaze.
Taken by the lovely SkittleRocket

The bridge

The bridge by Shinkalork
A really stunning retro-style oil painting, with a lot of impressive details.
Painted by Shinkalork

Art trade :: Lynx

Art trade :: Lynx by Bistraja
A bright, colorful digital painting. Very nice and atmospheric~
This was made by Bistraja

Longing by Azurelly

A gorgeous digital painting composition with stunning backgrounds.
By Azurelly

Black Cat
Black Cat by Cathematics

A traditional drawing with pencil on black paper. Very nice detail and realism in here~
Courtesy of Cathematics

There's no otter like you

There's no otter like you by catarinasbm
How can you not smile at that? It's so adorable.
Traditional piece by catarinasbm

Bonsai by Tellurian84

A gorgeous 3D composition. Realism and concept are on point.
By Tellurian84


I love the framing on this photgraph, the scenery is gorgeous.
Captured by ScottToms


Cave by Virtuxa
That's one gorgeous cave painting. Digital media, and it definitely deserves some more exposure.
By Virtuxa

Sato fanart (DamaiMikaz)

Sato fanart (DamaiMikaz) by ColorfullyMonotone
This was apparently painted on art block? How?
Digital piece by ColorfullyMonotone

Gravity Falls - season 2
Gravity Falls - season 2 by Championx91

I can always enjoy some nice fanart, this one is true to the original style but with a +.. and that's what makes it so good.
By Championx91


Shadow Practice: 3D-Zebra by farbwirbel
You've got to admit, this was a really good  idea.
Artist is farbwirbel

Learning To Howl

Learning To Howl by Starfire-Productions
Wow, I thought this was a picture at first. This is an outstanding traditional piece, made with polychromos pencils.
Drawn by Starfire-Productions

The Witcher 3: Ciri
The Witcher 3: Ciri + Youtube speedpaint by RowenHebing

Such a gorgeous expression and attention to detail. This is really stunning.
Digital painting by RowenHebing

More arts you should look at!
(I couldn't put everything in big thumbs, it was breaking my computer so hard)
Moanna by Bushaqua <da:thumb id="682081861"/>  Staffordshire Bull Terrier Commission by dch2206
Fort Hateno - Zelda BotW {with video} by BabanIllustration  Black and White Cat by ktflowerm  Fairy Capitol by PaladinPainter
Janna wind by KikiNeko3  26 Years by Quinnsanity-Q <da:thumb id="650988052"/>  Moomintroll on a Cloud by NebulaDreams
<da:thumb id="680518217"/>  Yura by Fires-storm  Toshima x Sugita (commission) by JessHavok  The Truth Is Out There by CrystalEnceladus
AT Pos and Nega by Eisschweif <da:thumb id="658045079"/> <da:thumb id="653232191"/>  Goddess of Love by erie-chen
 <da:thumb id="680632397"/>  Commission for Ruanly by Virtuxa  Song Challenge 09: UruR by teamoth

I tried to include as many medias, artists, and styles as I possibly could but in the end there was only so much I could fit from the mass of deviations sent to me on the forum... Please don't feel bad if you didn't make it in here, I will go back on older pages in future features as well and include some of the art there in them.

And now, we walk out of the feature with this adorable hat walk cycle.
This was made by Crett
rick concept walk cycle (the night) by Crett

peace everyone!
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© 2017 - 2025 iVickery
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Azurelly's avatar
Ooh, what a great showcase! So many beautiful works! :love: 
I thank you so much, that I may be part of your feature! :aww: